Hi, I’m Berta Alsina

I’m a Co-Active Coach, and I’m passionate about helping people unlock their true potential and create lasting transformation in their lives.

My Story

I come from an engineering background, with a degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies and a Master's in Informatics from UPC. I currently lead a software development team where I strive to create a safe and collaborative space where people can bring out the best in themselves.

Becoming a coach has been the natural consequence of a profound self-development journey I’ve experienced over the past several years. My path to coaching began with a deep need to explore who I truly was and to find peace and fulfillment in my life. This journey led me to dive deep into my values, passions, and what truly drives me. Through this process, I reconnected with myself, redefined what success meant to me, and integrated self-love and self-compassion into my daily life.

As I navigated these changes, I realized that my passion wasn’t just in discovering these truths for myself, but in helping others do the same. I wanted to guide and support those seeking the transformation I had gone through. I wanted to hold space for people to embrace their authenticity, overcome their challenges, and take aligned actions toward their dreams.

To make this vision a reality, I became a Co-Active Coach, dedicating myself to mastering the skills and tools necessary to support others on their own journeys of growth.

Today, I’m here to support you in your own process of self-discovery and transformation as I also continue to evolve, learn and rediscover myself.